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Barreled _Virginia Beach Oceanfront, VA

In Collaboration with Charlie Osorio 

Commissioned By
The City of Virginia Beach Cultural Affairs Department

Mural Artists:
Navid Rahman and Kyle Harrel

Barreled celebrates Virginia Beach's surfing culture and takes inspiration from one of the most sought out and short-lived experiences in surfing, riding through the barrel of a wave.

The installation is constructed out of a tubular steel system and acrylic panels that represent the ocean's oscillating balance of power and fragility. Each arch unfolds from wall to ceiling and ending with a seating component that encourages human interactions.

Each steel "wave" in Barreled is also spaced out perfectly for a socially distanced selfie opportunity!


Video credit to the City of Virginia Beach.

Thank you to the following local businesses whose donations made the Broken Current mural possible. Without their donations, the mural wouldn’t have come to fruition: 17th Street Gateway Association,17th Street Surf Shop, Coastal Edge, Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum, PlusP Training, Surfrider Foundation, 17th Street Properties LLC, Cape Development & Real Estate Co., Desroches & Company-Certified Public Accountants, Select Bank & Trust Venture Realty Group

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